Fresh Lemonade

Nothing is more refreshing than some fresh squeezed lemonade! I remember getting fresh squeezed lemonade at farmer’s markets and fairs. So delicious! When I saw a friend’s post on Facebook about making fresh squeezed lemonade I couldn’t resist…not even in the middle of winter with over 2 feet of snow outside! It’s a fun activity to do with your family! 🙂

Materials: measuring cup, pitcher, spoon to stir, lemon squeezer

Ingredients: 8 lemons (1 cup of squeezed lemon juice), 1 cup of sugar, 6 cups of cold water


To make the lemons easier to squeeze, roll them between your hand and the counter a few times. Cut each lemon in half, put in your squeezer and juice it! We juiced it into a large measuring cup so we could measure around 1 cup of juice.

Maddy loved squeezing the lemons, although is got to be tough. She decided to be my helper and put the lemons in the squeezer. We combined the lemon juice, sugar and water in the pitcher and mixed it. So yummy, even in the middle of winter!


Baking recipes with kids!

If you are on lockdown like our county is, and possibly soon to be state, you need some more activities to do with your kiddos!  My kids love baking!  Of course it gets messy, but that’s part of the fun (or that is what I tell myself).  My kids love baking and using measuring cups.  They prefer more ingredients so they can stir more together and also pour more (and make more of a mess!).  When I get a box of something to mix with one or two things, they are sorely disappointed. So, most of the time we make recipes not from a box (don’t worry its pretty easy!).


Luckily, we had the ingredients this morning to make banana bread.  I always freeze bananas that are starting to go bad to save them for occasions like this (I mean when its raining not when there is a pandemic!)


So, I’m going to list some of the kids favorite things to bake on a rainy cold day.


Today we made chocolate peanut butter banana bread (but just plain old banana bread with chocolate chips is what they usually like best!)

  1. Chocolate peanut butter banana bread



2. Chocolate chip banana bread

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

3) Muffins! Muffins! and more muffins!

These are applesauce oat muffins(the kids actually liked them yes!)

how to make applesauce muffins step by step in grid of steps

Here are 14 muffins the kiddos will love- including blueberry, chocolate chip, chocolate

4) Cookies of all kinds of course!

Especially sugar cookies!  They love to decorate them!  I try to do a recipe that doesn’t have to be refrigerated before hand.  They love using cookie cutters and decorating each cookie (although expect for it to take a long time to get all the shapes cut out and expect way too make sprinkles!)

This Sugar Cookies Recipe requires no chill time!

5) This is my kids favorite chocolate cake (although we usually use a bunt pan and just put icing on the top)

Perfectly Chocolate Chocolate Cake


6) Here are some fun cupcake recipes!These are on the fancier side- we usually just ice the top with a knife and call it a day (the cupcakes are gone before you have a chance to make it fancy!)  I’ve wanted to try the ice cream cone cupcakes- that will be next on our list!)

Ice cream cone cakes


Any baking recipe the kiddos will love to make the memories with you! Don’t forget to take pictures!!!



Yummy Yogurt Drops


I don’t know about you, but we always have extra yogurt around the house. When Madison was younger, she would gobble it down. Not so much anymore. One thing to do with extra yogurt is freeze it. I make them into drops and now she can’t get enough of them! It’s not only delicious but nutritious.


First, you get a baking sheet and put parchment paper on it. You can use any kind of yogurt, greek, whole milk, whatever you choose.

Next, you put the yogurt in a ziploc bag and cut the bottom corner so you can make perfect circles of yogurt on your parchment. Who am I kidding here? Madison doesn’t care if they are perfect shapes or not, so I used a spoon. It was quicker.

Next, you get to decorate. Your child can help you with this! 85

You can add all kinds of things to make them extra yummy if you like or leave them plain. Sprinkles, fruit, and anything else you think might be delicious you can add on top of your yogurt bites. I happened to have a giant bag of frozen fruit, so we added some of that.

Finally, put the whole baking sheet in the freezer for at least 4 hours. Remove and put in airtight container in freezer. I just popped mine into a freezer bag for a quick snack!83

Other variations include blending the fruits or veggies into the bites, almost like a smoothie and then piping it or spooning it onto the baking sheet. Good for toddler, kids, and adults alike! They will be saying, “More, more more!”
