Going GAGA for Googly Eyes!


Have paper plates? Googly eyes? Some paint and paper? Your kids will LOVE making these dinosaur plate crafts!


Simply cut paper plates in half for the dinosaur/monster/turtle whatever you want to make bodies. For the next step you can use paint, stickers, or gems!

I cut out sponge shapes to dip in the paint, but my daughter enjoyed using the sides to paint with them more!

Have your child decorate the body of the animal you are creating, then let it dry!


Your child will LOVE doing these. Next time I’m going to have my daughter use a brush. Another time I will try stickers, gems, and construction paper shapes!

After the plates dry, cut out the head/feet/tails you would like from construction paper or card stock to glue onto your painted plate bodies.

Your child can glue them on and decide how many of each item they would like!

Their favorite part is yet to come…googly eyes!!!

You can NEVER have enough.

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She had SO much fun she wanted to keep doing googly eyes. I drew whatever animal she wanted and she added the googly eyes!!

WARNING: Your child will LOVE using ALL of the googly eyes!!
