Yum!!! It’s the season for delicious mouth-watering strawberries!!! There’s nothing like picking them right from the field and eating them. Of course you don’t want to eat so many you have strawberry juice all over your face like our kiddos.
We ended up picking tons of fresh strawberries which we will use for countless recipes like strawberry pie, smoothies and shortcake!
Here are some things to remember before you go picking:
- Call ahead. Many strawberry fields get picked out in a day, especially at the beginning of the season. Call ahead to wherever you are picking to make sure there are plenty left!
- Bring a hat, apply sunscreen and wear your old sneakers. If it rained recently you might consider rain boots as it may be muddy!
- See if you need to bring buckets or bowls to pick. Some patches have a policy where they give you the container to pick. Other patches like you to bring your own bowl which they will weigh ahead of time. Your bucket will be weighed afterward to figure out the price per pound.
- Prep the kids on what to pick. Tell them to pick ripe only-red but not mushy. You don’t want a bowl full of white or green strawberries!
- Taste some while you are there, but not too many as it’s rude and they probably still have chemicals on them! My daughter ended up with NO strawberries in her bucket because she kept eating them. It happens.
- ENJOY!!!
