Nothing is more refreshing than some fresh squeezed lemonade! I remember getting fresh squeezed lemonade at farmer’s markets and fairs. So delicious! When I saw a friend’s post on Facebook about making fresh squeezed lemonade I couldn’t resist…not even in the middle of winter with over 2 feet of snow outside! It’s a fun activity to do with your family! 🙂
Materials: measuring cup, pitcher, spoon to stir, lemon squeezer
Ingredients: 8 lemons (1 cup of squeezed lemon juice), 1 cup of sugar, 6 cups of cold water
To make the lemons easier to squeeze, roll them between your hand and the counter a few times. Cut each lemon in half, put in your squeezer and juice it! We juiced it into a large measuring cup so we could measure around 1 cup of juice.
Maddy loved squeezing the lemons, although is got to be tough. She decided to be my helper and put the lemons in the squeezer. We combined the lemon juice, sugar and water in the pitcher and mixed it. So yummy, even in the middle of winter!
