My almost two and a half year old isn’t ready for a lot of the crafts you see on blog posts.
So I decided to create some easy crafts for toddlers who don’t have the dexterity quite yet to use scissors or exercise caution with sparkles.
So let’s start really simple with painting. For each holiday we have been painting an object related to the holiday and punching a hole in it and hanging it on door knobs or suction cups or using tape and sticking on doors.
But for this holiday we painted eggs and bunnies using the washable sparkle paint, put in an old plastic egg carton. Then we took them all and made a paper wreath out of it to hang by cutting out the middle of a paper plate and gluing the pictures, Easy peasy!
Another easy project is buying this under two dollar cardboard egg kit! I got mine at Walmart but I’m sure there are lots of different ones at craft stores. Now you can paint them yourself or they come with a dye kit.
Next is the cotton ball Easter bunny! Sure, I had to help with the glue and the eyes a bit but she loved sticking on the cotton balls everywhere and placing the face! You can go more detailed with an old child as well. We used a carrot Easter ribbon we had and then a loop ribbon on the back to hang it on the door. This also makes an easy gift to a grandparent or family member.
What you need is a paper plate, cotton balls, glue or glue stick, ribbon, pink construction paper, scissors, googly eyes, and any other decoratons(nose whisker mouth).
And get creative! It’s a cheap project too!
Glue the pink ears on and then use cotton balls to line them!
