Rescue the Numbers!

There are many simple ways to get your child to start to recognize numbers without drilling them. One activity is called, “Rescue the Numbers!”

Materials: a bucket/bowl/container with water, spoon, numbers (I used foam), paper, plastic sleeve (I had a lamination sleeve)

I traced the numbers onto a blank paper and put it in a lamination sleeve, this way it stayed dry. Next, I put all of the numbers into the container with water & she got to have fun taking them out! If you have numbers and you can draw faces on them your child would like that even more!

I had the numbers saying, “Help!” and when she got each one out I’d say the number (or she would) and she would match them on the paper. When they were all done we counted them while pointing to each one.

She ended up putting in some rocks and making them sink, then pretending they were stuck and she had to rescue them again. We also talked about sinking and floating. She loved it so much she asked to do more (next time I’ll do the alphabet).


Easy Valentine Scavenger Hunt!

There are many different types of scavenger hunts for holidays.  This one is a simple Valentine’s Day heart hunt that has many variations!


So cut out hearts (I used the foam material so it won’t rip), and hide them around the house! You can use paper but it may get torn and won’t last as long!


There are a couple ways to make it more complicated for older toddlers:

  1. Number them and have them line the hearts up
  2. Tell them to find certain colors and sort them
  3. Line the hearts up by size
  4. Alphabetize the hearts
  5. You can have one child hide the hearts for another
  6. Have the child decorate a bucket or paper bag to hold the hearts!  Or the child can even decorate the hearts once they are found and give them out as valentines!


Have fun and enjoy Valentine’s Day!

