Since you generally don’t take a baby trick or treating, you don’t want an expensive costume. You also want a costume they won’t immediately pull off or scream because it’s uncomfortable.
So here are 10 costumes you can make for under 10 dollars!
1. For your newborn! Prisoner. Make yourself with a sharpie or sticker. Use a black hat.
You can also use a striped outfit if you have it and a black hat.
2. Biker baby!
Just use felt and draw ears on!
4.Popcorn baby holder- how cute! Just buy some felt and glue or sew it together!
Photo is from this placeisnowahome
5. Here’s and idea- Charlie Brown!!! Although I don’t think I’d draw on my baby’s head, still a cute idea. You can use a hat to draw on
Picture from the meta picture
6. I had to include this one since I love Dwightschrute from the office
7. Animals! Animals! Animals!
You only need a white onesie, some disposable nipples and felt! Moooo!
From really awesome costumes. Again, you need felt and some glue or sewing
You can also take advantage of any winter animal outfit you were given! Such as the bear….
Again, green outfit and some felt. You need a green hat and either fake eyes or make your own!
8. Garden nome
9. Farmer! Overalls and a straw hat! I had a toy hat I used!
10. Gum ball machine! All you need is a hat and glue or hot glue on colored cotton balls! You need the red shirt and black pants.
This one is cute too so I put it in…ghost! You need a white nightgown and felt
Whats you little one going to be?
