Mixing fun

If you’re looking for an activity for your little ones to enjoy and also learn try this mixing fun. You can also use whatever you have in your kitchen! Just as an update, the kids ask to do this almost daily they love it that much!


You need a container, preferably a tall see through one such as a large mason jar as shown. Fill the mason jar half way up with water.

Then you will need something to stir with (we grabbed a chopstick!)

Lastly, you need items to put in this mixture, so food coloring or natural coloring (we also used washable paint one time!

Coloring from beet juice etc.

Sprinkles can be used to see if they float or sink!

Ice cubes

Salt versus sugar-do they dissolve

Olive oil or any type of oil to see if it mixes with water

Croutons, cereal, some scraps from the compost bucket, lettuce leaf, onion (although you may want to hold off on too many food items with the quarantine right now!)


We even tried jelly to see if it would sink or mix into the concoction. Then have your child mix it real fast in a circle and see a cyclone happen!

Dish soap and the bubbles it causes is fun as well!


Pretty much try anything!


Vinegar and baking soda which you want to save for last! The acid base pair will cause a volcanoes explosion! We did those outside then to have a huge overflow!


You can keep adding more vinegar to make it continue exploding!  Just bring it outside lol. img_2709





Easy Valentine Scavenger Hunt!

There are many different types of scavenger hunts for holidays.  This one is a simple Valentine’s Day heart hunt that has many variations!


So cut out hearts (I used the foam material so it won’t rip), and hide them around the house! You can use paper but it may get torn and won’t last as long!


There are a couple ways to make it more complicated for older toddlers:

  1. Number them and have them line the hearts up
  2. Tell them to find certain colors and sort them
  3. Line the hearts up by size
  4. Alphabetize the hearts
  5. You can have one child hide the hearts for another
  6. Have the child decorate a bucket or paper bag to hold the hearts!  Or the child can even decorate the hearts once they are found and give them out as valentines!


Have fun and enjoy Valentine’s Day!


