I don’t know about you, but my daughter LOVES to paint! She also loves to paint with her fingers! A turkey handprint is the perfect craft for Thanksgiving!
- paper
- glue
- finger paint
- googly eyes
- paint in assorted colors
- paintbrush
First, get a blank piece of paper and tape it to the table so that it doesn’t move. Choose the paint colors (Madison did this). I squirted them out onto disposable coffee tops since I had a lot left from a party.
Next, paint your child’s palm and thumb and press them down on the paper. I made 2 on one paper so I could give one as a gift!
We chose a different color for each finger and painted each one and then pressed it down. These made colorful turkey feathers!
After letting it dry we added a beak, turkey gobbler and feet by drawing them on. However, you could also paint them.
Finally, we added the googly eye and our turkey was complete. A family keepsake to hang up each Thanksgiving!
