Years ago I made my sister a felt hot balloon height chart for her baby shower and I’ve meant to make my own baby (more of a toddler now) a height chart. So, I headed out to the local craft store.
I knew I wanted to make a height chart with her favorite things, a panda and a moon. Her first birthday was twinkle twinkle theme, so stars would be perfect.
For this project I used:
- 1 yard white felt
- Pink Embroidery Floss
- Sewing needle
- Black Fabric marker
- assorted sheets of felt in different colors
- Hot glue gun
- Measuring tape
- ruler
First, I cut the yard of white felt into 2 pieces. Next, I lined them up so they were about 6 feet high back to back and hot glued them together.
I cut out the star shapes using a cookie cutter. I traced the stars onto the white and yellow felt and then cut them out. You could also print a star out to trace, or free hand it. I drew the moon, panda, and bamboo freehand and cut out the felt pieces. If you are making different shapes and animals, just do the same. Trace or freehand and cut them out!
Next, I used a measuring tape and ruler to draw the lines for each inch. I made each foot line a bit longer, and the 1/2 foot a little longer too. For the numbers, I decided to use stencils. Again, you could free hand or trace. I used the stencils on the pink felt fabric
squares and cut them out.
I used embroidery floss since I was doing this all by hand. If you have a sewing machine you would approach this differently, and it certainly wouldn’t take as long. I decided to work on it while I was watching television in the evening or when my girl was napping.
I simply put the embroidery floss through the needle and did a double knot. I brought the floss through the back first, and looped it in and out of the the numbers, along the outside. I did this for each number. I placed the moon next, and did the same thing, when finished I cut the floss and knotted it off (make sure you do this on the back of the felt so you don’t see the knots). I did this for all of the shapes and animals on the height chart.
The scene with the panda on the bottom of the height chart took more time due to the detailed sewing. I had to hot glue the eyes because the layers made it too thick to get through. I sewed an x on his belly button. I had a lot of extra thread and wanted to do a border, so I sewed the border all the way around. This is definitely a keepsake.
This can be used for many different designs. You could sew on your child’s name, different animals, shapes, and so on.
Here is a pic of the hot air balloon height chart I made for my sister:
As for recording their height, you can write the date and age for each child right on the chart, or you could use tags like these with safety pins. This will allow you to use this again, or use for more than one child.
This is a great gift for a baby shower, birthday, or to make your own child.
