Looking for fun easy Halloween crafts? There’s so much you can do and spend little cash.
My 4 year old LOVES googley eyes, she can’t get enough! She uses glue and glue sticks and puts them on all Halloween crafts! You can have your preschool cut on lines to make spider legs, or a pumpkin stem or a ghost and you can help cut the rest!
Add in crayons, markers, paint, stickers, and pom Pom’s or ribbons and it’s great!
I love getting Halloween foam stickers and using them for everything!
Stencils stencils stencils! You can tape them down and color. Or you can cut out a shape and tape it down and let your younger one paint then remove it later for the cutout to show up.
Free Halloween cut outs! clickClick here
Free printable coloring pages! You can find numerous pages online searching. This one I really like…cClick here
Popsicle sticks!
Hope you enjoy these ideas! You can go to your local craft store and find lots of ideas and craft supplies and get creative!
