Mmmmm…this is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had! It definitely doesn’t taste like that stuff from a packet!
Mommy used these ingredients:
- 2 cups of whole milk
- 4 oz ( almost 1 cup of bittersweet chocolate chips)
- optional: 2 tbsp. of sugar
Mommy made it from scratch and here is what she did:
First, she put 2 cups of whole milk in a saucepan and heated it up on medium on the stove.
She didn’t let it boil, she waited until the little bubbles showed up around the outer circle of the milk in the pan.
While this was going on she poured the bittersweet chocolate chips, 1 cup into a bowl and microwaved it in 30 second intervals (oh I know a fancy word). She mixed it in between each time until it was all melted.
Next she turned off the stove when the little bubbles formed around the outside of the milk and mixed in the chocolate with a whisk.
This is so good and chocolatey. Very rich and thick! More! More I say! How about some whipped cream or marshmallows? Pleasssse?
When we were done I wanted more but mommy put the rest in a large mug in the refrigerator for tomorrow.
I can’t wait!
