Need a stylish way to keep the hair out of your face? Want it cheap? Well, believe it or not, you can sew a quick headband in almost under 5 minutes! This is great to match your little one’s dress or outfit. Also, you can match your own outfit or dress for a stylish design. I made a neat flower dress for my munchkin and made myself a matching headband! It looks great for pictures but it’s not the overboard matching outfits :op
Here’s how:
What you need:
- Fabric (15×3 two pieces or 15 x6 or one piece folded)
- Matching Thread
- Elastic (1/4-1/2 inch)
1) First you want to cut out your fabric. You can either make the headband with two pieces of fabric at 15×3 and cut on a slant. Or you can do one piece with the fold on the long side (the 15 inch long side).
2) Following that you want to turn it with fabric sides facing each other and sew the sides (or side if you are folding) and leave ends open. Turn inside out.
3) Fold the ends inwards.
4) Cut your elastic to 7 inches long (or if for younger you can measure ear to ear in the back and cut elastic)
5) Put elastic in end and sew up and down several times ! If you are doing the folded headband then take the corners of the fabric and fold in and sew.
6) And wala! You are done! Don’t be afraid to add buttons, glitter, bows, and other neat accessories!
Awesome! Quick and easy, Enjoy and check back for more activities each week!
Lastly, do you think having matching outfits to your little one is too much? I’d like to see the debate begin!
