New to sewing? Want to learn how to thread your machine? Then, you have come to the right place. Yes this may be a little boring for some, but I found similar help at different sites and decided to put it all together in my own way for anyone new to nursing.
So if you don’t fall asleep along the way, you may learn something! :op
Below are three tutorials on using your sewing machine. This particular tutorial features the brother xl model, which I highly recommend as an affordable and easy to use first machine that has more advanced properties as well. However, if you have another machine, it may be quite similar so you can follow along!
So here is a basic diagram of the machine I made that outlines the important components.
This is a video on the basic parts of the machine and what buttons are used most.
Next, is a video on how to thread your bobbin! Don’t worry it gets much easier each time!
Lastly, how to put everything together! This tutorial demonstrates how to thread the machine and start up!
Good Luck and Enjoy! More tutorials to come…
