We recently had our driveway paved after years of dealing with rain washing the end of it out.
I was afraid my kids would miss the giant puddles carved out by the rainwater, but, to my chagrin, they love playing on the driveway!
With a paved driveway comes CHALK, and lots of it! Who doesn’t love chalk?
Here are some games we like to play with chalk for toddlers, and who knew there were so many?!?
1) You can simply use chalk and make a line for your little one to walk, follow on bike, or any other transport you have! I also sometimes make stop signs or spaces between the lines for her to jump to the next line. You can include roundabouts twirls and other excitement if it doesn’t overwhelm your toddler. You can get even more creative with hopscotches included or follow the alphabet or numbers.
2) Alphabet or number jump is a new game I really enjoy using for my 3 year old. I use numbers or the alphabet and write the letter or number in one color and then circle it (or square) in a different color. I put a couple letters next to each other so she has to stop and decide which one she needs to jump to next. It helps the toddler learn their numbers and alphabet visually and also they get physical activity.
3) bullseye! Make a circle or multiple circles and put numbers in them. Draw a line and have your toddler stand behind it and throw a ball (or small pebbles or what not), and try and get it in the circles. Or you can do this and make it shapes, and tell your toddler to get it in the square, rectangle or whatever shape you like.
4) hopscotch-extended. You can make a really long hopscotch perhaps circling a car or just a very long one. Kids love hopscotch!
5) Colors! For my son who is learning his colors and shapes and counting, I draw shapes in different main colors and he loves to come over and color all over whatever I am drawing. Then I repeat the color and he says it back to me. Then you can count how many circles so on and so forth.
6) Tracing, Stenciling! Chalk stencils are sold almost everywhere now, so you little one can color in the holes and be amazed at the picture she/he has created! My daughter also loves tracing people laying down, or mommy tracing her and then coloring in the face and hair!
7) drawing dots game! If your toddler is approaching preschool age, draw big dots and have him connect the dots by drawing a line (starting left to right-like how they will read).
Have fun and be creative! Your kids can play and learn at the same time!
