When I say I need a break I mean I need a quiet moment to feel like a human again. I need time to think about myself for a moment instead of continually trying to save infants and toddlers from killing themselves or others. I need a moment to use the potty, or excuse me, the bathroom as adults say it, without children busting in or breaking something in the other room.
When I say I need a break, it does not mean I’m not thankful I’m able to be with my children all day. It doesn’t mean I’m not having a great time and laughing with them. It doesn’t mean I’m trying to make my husband do some work. He works hard and needs a break too. But he also has children he helped make and needs to spend time with them and show them how to be a good person before they grow up.
When I say I need a break I don’t mean that moms that aren’t stay at home moms don’t need a break. I know it’s hard to be away from your children at work and wondering how they are. I know you may be working in a hospital or another setting listening to others needs instead of your children, or lastly yourself. You are doing a great job working and being with your children when you are home and can be.
But when I say I need a break, it means I need to listen to my needs instead of constant needs from children, patients, and others all day. When I say I need a break it means I need time to try and feel like myself, to try and remember what it feels like to dress up sometimes or feel pretty. When I need a break it’s mostly just going to the food store alone, working in my garden, going to a doctor appointment or hair appointment, it doesn’t mean I’m going out to the movies or to the bar (hah who has time for that!).
When I say I need a break I just want to feel like me, like a human for just a little while until I miss my children and husband shortly after I leave or they do. It means I’m psychologically drained and need a recharge, and you could be the one to help me with that. We all need a recharge from time to time, especially when we focus on others needs and wants above our own and use up all of our energy and love on or little ones.
